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DWWA Regional Chair for Central Italy: Alessandro Torcoli

Alessandro Torcoli, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Italian wine magazine Civiltà del Bere, is the Regional Chair for Central Italy at the DWWA.

Alessandro Torcoli

Alessandro Torcoli is the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Italian wine magazine Civiltà del Bere. In his time as editor he has organised wine tastings and events around the world, including VinoVip Cortina, the biennial summit of the best Italian wines.

Torcoli has been writing about wine since 1998 and has won many awards, including the Comitato Grandi Cru d’Italia Best Young Italian Wine Journalist in 2009. He also contributes to Italian newspapers and appears on TV.

He holds a sommelier certificate from the Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, is a member of the Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino (Italian Academy of Vine and Wine) and is currently a second stage MW student.

In 2016 he wrote Vinology: Guida visuale ai vini d’Italia e del mondo (A visual guide to the wines of Italy and the world) for the Italian publisher BUR-Rizzoli.

Follow Alessandro on Twitter @TorcoliWine

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