Established in 1992, the Fairtrade Foundation’s distinctive logo was something of a curiosity when it first began appearing on our bottles of wine (and bags of coffee, bars of chocolate, bunches of bananas…).
Scroll down to see our selection of the best Fairtrade wines
Today, however, it is surely one of the world’s most recognisable trademarks, it pronouncing that whichever product finds its way into your shopping basket has been made in a more sustainable and ethical manner, or, as Fairtrade itself says, it’s about ‘better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms for farmers and workers around the world’.
Other than guaranteeing a minimum price for its in excess of 1.9 million farmers and growers when they sell their products, the Fairtrade initiative also provides extra funds which are invested into local, environmentally friendly initiatives (this Fairtrade premium amounted to £169m in 2020).
The polish and quality of Fairtrade wines continue to soar, so in celebration of Fairtrade Fortnight (which runs 27 February to 12 March) we’ve picked out some recommendations for you.