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Pregnancy and fertility: hazardous

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September 15, 2004

Source: St George’s Medical School, London

The Department of Health rejected comments made by Dr Raja Mukherjee at a conference in Wigan in the UK on foetal alcohol spectrum (FAS) disorder.

Dr Mukherjee, specialist registrar at St George’s Medical School in London, said pregnant women should completely cut out alcohol, saying every woman who drinks whilst carrying a child puts herself and the unborn child at risk.

Children with FAS are likely to suffer from poor memory, poor IQ, short attention span and physical abnormalities. Figures have shown FAS affects one in 300 children. There are no comparable UK figures.

March 28, 2002

Source: Daily Mail

Women drinking five units or fewer a week are twice as likely to conceive within six months as women drinking more than 10 units a week. One boozy binge by the mother during critical times in the pregnancy can damage the foetus. Several hours of drinking can delete millions of neurones from the baby’s developing brain. One glass of wine a week is allowed.

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