Vine rootstocks: Getting to the root of the matter
A rootstocks history lesson, looking at this integral and influential part of the grape vine
Alex Maltman is a geologist and wine enthusiast based in Wales. He is Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at Aberystwyth University. He has been a researcher and reacher in the field of the geology for over 40 years, throughout that time ha has also grown his own grape vines. His book – Vineyards, Rocks, and Soils: The Wine Lover’s Guide to Geology – combines his two life passions. He explores the connections and misconceptions about vineyard geology and the resultant wines.
A rootstocks history lesson, looking at this integral and influential part of the grape vine
Are scientists any closer in understanding what causes us to perceive these characteristics in a wine’s aroma?
Professor Alex Maltman questions the new orthodoxy...