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1990 vintage guide for White Burgundy

drink soon

Ripe, lively and pleasing wines with relatively low acidity

Weather Conditions

The spring was dry, but cool weather in June led to uneven, drawn-out flowering. Nonetheless the grapes caught up in terms of maturation during the hot summer that followed, and some rain in September prevented any drought stress. Sugar levels were high, and so was acidity, leading to a harvest of rich healthy grapes, beginning on 17 September on the Côte de Beaune.

Best Appellations

White wines from the Côte d’Or were of exceptional quality, though whether one prefers them to 1989 is a matter of personal taste. Chablis was also very ripe, and few wines needed to be chaptalised; acidity higher than in 1989.

Best Producers

Information to be supplied

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