Gutsabfllung (Ger.)
Estate bottled.
What is carbonic maceration? What does abboccato mean? Wine terms explained in our comprehensive wine glossary
Estate bottled.
Under German wine law, name of a group of neighbouring Einzellage sites producing wines of a similar style.
Tasting term indicating a wine with smell or flavour
Great wine. Meaningless on the label, as use of the term is not regulated. Nearly all Bordeaux is labelled Grand Vin de Bordeaux, whatever its quality.
Literally 'great reserve'. Wine that has fulfilled certain (lengthy) ageing requirements and, in theory, comes from a good vintage.
Literally '(classified) great growth'. The meaning varies by region.
Technique for producing Chianti, in which some grapes are reserved and dried, and then added to wine after the first alcoholic fermentation.
Wine served hot,
Fining agent of animal (usually pig) origin,
Barrel of unspecified volume.
Tasting term used to describe a wine giving a positive, satisfying sensation in the mouth,
Tasting term used to describe the attractive flavour of wine made from ripe grapes,
Tasting term used to indicate a pleasantly youthful and vigorous character,
Tasting term used to indicate the wild,
Crushing (of grapes).
What is fortified wine?