Tasting term used to indicate the smells
What is carbonic maceration? What does abboccato mean? Wine terms explained in our comprehensive wine glossary
Tasting term used to indicate the smells
Disagreeable smell or taste sometimes found in wine immediately after it is bottled.
Sparkling wine in which the second, bubble-forming fermentation took place in bottle (rather than in tank).
Period that a wine has spent ageing in bottle,
Large barrel.
Fungus which attacks grapes.
Copper-based spray used to treat vines
Tasting term used to indicate the weight
Wine-making cellar, winery.
Squat, flagon-shaped bottle used for wines
US term for pink wine.
Rose wine.
In winemaking, the mixture of grape skins and grape juice
Measure of the amount of sugar in the must.
Noble rot,
Sparkling. Usually indicates that the wine was made by the Charmat
Sweet. Much used in the Loire Valley for fully sweet,
Alcoholic drink made by adding brandy to unfermented grape juice.
Bottled at the chateau