Nadia Williamson
Experienced buyer, having held roles managing buying categories for Majestic and currently at M&S. Based in the UK.
Experienced buyer, having held roles managing buying categories for Majestic and currently at M&S. Based in the UK.
Taiwanese wine educator and journalist with extensive expertise in global wine and tea education. Based in the UK.
Former President of the Swedish Sommelier Association. Based in Sweden.
Master Sommelier and Educator. Based in the UK.
Award-winning Master Sommelier, wine educator. Based in the UK.
Head of wine research and curriculum at WSET. Based in the UK.
Renowned wine writer specializing in New Europe wines. Based in Croatia.
Owner of restaurant and importer specialising in the wines of the Loire valley since early 1980’s. Based in the UK.
Experienced, commercial and widely travelled wine professional. Based in the UK.
Wojciech Bońkowski is a wine writer, writing articles, blogs and books as well as being President of the Polish Wine Trade Association.
Alun Griffiths MW is a highly respected wine expert with over 35 years of experience in the UK wine industry and extensive consulting work in the Chinese market.
Anthony Rose is an award-winning wine and sake writer, and a founding member of The Wine Gang.
Caro Maurer MW is a wine writer based in Bonn, Germany, with a writing career spanning almost 30 years.
Simon J Woolf is an award-winning English author and wine writer, currently based in The Netherlands.
Stefan Neumann MS runs his own consultancy and online blinding tasting course.
Caroline Gilby MW is an author, writer and consultant, specialising on Central and Eastern Europe.
Terry Kandylis is the Group Head Sommelier at the Noble Rot Restaurant & Wine Bar.
Charles Curtis MW writes regularly for a number of magazines.
Huon Hooke is an educator, international wine judge and writer, having published 19 books on wine.
Michaela Morris is an international wine writer and educator, based in Vancouver, Canada.
Michelle Cherutti-Kowal MW is the Regional Chair for Tuscany at the DWWA and a consultant tutor at the Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET) in London.