DWWA Regional Chair for the Balkans, Central & Eastern Europe, and Croatia & Slovenia: Dr Wojciech Bońkowski MW
Wojciech Bońkowski is a wine writer, writing articles, blogs and books as well as being President of the Polish Wine Trade Association.
Wojciech Bońkowski is a wine writer, writing articles, blogs and books as well as being President of the Polish Wine Trade Association.
Anthony Rose is an award-winning wine and sake writer, and a founding member of The Wine Gang.
Caro Maurer MW is a wine writer based in Bonn, Germany, with a writing career spanning almost 30 years.
Simon J Woolf is an award-winning English author and wine writer, currently based in The Netherlands.
Stefan Neumann MS runs his own consultancy and online blinding tasting course.
Caroline Gilby MW is an author, writer and consultant, specialising on Central and Eastern Europe.
Terry Kandylis is the Group Head Sommelier at the Noble Rot Restaurant & Wine Bar.
Charles Curtis MW writes regularly for a number of magazines.
Huon Hooke is an educator, international wine judge and writer, having published 19 books on wine.
Michaela Morris is an international wine writer and educator, based in Vancouver, Canada.
Michelle Cherutti-Kowal MW is the Regional Chair for Tuscany at the DWWA and a consultant tutor at the Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET) in London.
James Tidwell MS consults for Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and founded the TEXSOM conference and awards.
Richard Baudains, a longstanding contributor to Decanter, also works as a Cambridge University English language examiner.
Sarah Ahmed, aka The Wine Detective, is an independent, London-based wine writer, educator and judge.
Jim Budd is a wine writer and has been writing for Decanter since 1989.
Rod Smith MW is a wine educator, marketer and salesman, based in the South of France.
Barbara Philip MW is category manager at BC LIQUOR in Canada, as well as a lecturer, radio columnist and consultant.
Howard-Sneyd founded The Hive Wine Consulting and is a winemaker at Domaine of the Bee.
An expert in the wines of Iberia, Richard Mayson writes regularly for Decanter, contributes to The Oxford Companion to Wine, and has written 5 books.
New Zealand’s first Master Sommelier, Cameron Douglas MS is in charge of the wine and beverage programme at AUT University in Auckland.
Michael Garner is a regular contributor to Decanter, and co-owner of Italian Wine Specialists Tria Wines Limited.