October 7, 2008
Source: Daily Mail
Men who drink a couple of glasses or red wine per day have a lower risk of lung cancer, according to a new study. Measuring the effect of beer, red wine, white wine and liquor consumption on the risk of lung cancer, there was on average a 2% lower lung cancer risk associated with each glass of red wine consumed per month.
Researchers looked at data from more than 84,000 men aged 45 to 69 that was collected through the California Men’s Health Study between 2000 and 2003.
October 29, 2004
Source: Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-323778/Red-wine-protect-men-lung-cancer.html
A glass of red wine a day could keep tumours at bay according to a study of men with lung cancer, claimed a study published today.
Research published in the specialist medical magazine Thorax suggested that each daily glass of red wine gives 13% protection against cancer when compared with non-drinkers.
The researchers, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, put the beneficial effects of red wine down to the presence of tannins, which have antioxidant properties.
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