See the winning images for the Pink Lady Wine Photographer of the Year 2016...
Photographer Robert Holmes was awarded Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year 2016, the overall winner of the wine photography section in the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2016.
The wine section of the Pink Lady competition is split into three categories; Place, Produce and People. See the winning photographs from each category below:
Wine Photographer of the Year 2016: The winners

Robert Holmes
Robert Holmes' winning shot in the Errazuriz wine photographer of the year 2016 competition. Maysara winery, Oregon.

Robert Homes, Duckhorn
Robert Homes claimed second as well as first prize in the Places category, with Harvest at Duckhorn Vineyards.

Tim Clinch, Tain L’Hermitage
Third place in the Places category went to Tim Clinch for his photo, Tain L'Hermitage.

Jenelle Bonifield, Press 2
Jenelle Bonifield won Errazuriz wine photo of the year 2016 - produce

John Armstrong Miller
John Armstrong-Millar's Kir won second place in the 'Produce' category

Andrew Barrow, Bottle Line Up
Bottle Line Up from Andrew Barrow got third place in the Produce category.

Matt Wilson, Skin Contact
Matt Wilson won best wine photo in the 'people' category, for this shot taken in Chile.

Mick Rock, Collecting Cabernet Sauvignon
Second prize in the People catergory went to Mick Rock for Collecting Caberent Sauvignon Prunings on a Frosty Morning

Will Punt, Uplifting
Will Punt was awarded third place in the People cateogry for his photograph, Uplifting.

Anne Watson, Flight in the Kitchen
The winner of the People's Choice Award went to Anne Watson, for Flight in the Kitchen.